Why Automation Matters

A time saver for your team and customers

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

The best part of your day is here, this week’s newsie! Last week the Inevitable Agency girlies were all together in San Diego for our first co-sponsored event of the year. We had a fun time chatting with everyone and a great few days of team bonding. 🫶

This week we also decided to make our team meeting a “walking meeting”, the option to take the call on a walk, to remind us to step away and take a break. It’s easy to get caught up in the work, but your mental health is just as important! 🧠💯

What are some ways that your remote or hybrid company fosters a healthy work culture? Reply to this email and let us know!

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

We’re obviously big fans of chatbots done well and love to see how they can be applied to different scenarios. A new dating app Volar Dating has entered the scene and you guessed it, It uses artificial intelligence to go on dates FOR you. 🤖

Basically, a new user answers some questions about themselves and what they are looking for in a partner. Then the chatbot reaches out to other user’s chatbots and exchanges messages based on their interests. After the AI breaks the ice, users can take the conversation into their own hands in hopes for a real-life connection. 💗🫶💘 

In the age of AI, Volar Dating is adapting to try to improve the awkward and frustrating parts of online dating. Someone take one for the team and sign up!

Why Automation Matters

Imagine this scenario: you're facing a queue of 20 support tickets, and among them, 2 are particularly complex, demanding over 30 minutes each to handle effectively. The remaining 18 tickets are straightforward inquiries such as, "When will my order ship?" or "How do I properly use these products?"

So, you invest about an hour of your time addressing these 18 simple questions, taking a little more than 3 minutes each. However, once these are completed, you still have those 2 challenging tickets on your plate, which together will consume the same amount of time as the previous 18 combined.

Now you've spent an hour on straightforward questions that could have easily been handled by an automated system. In that hour your support could have tackled the scenarios that require the human touch.

This is precisely why automation plays such a crucial role in CX. It's not just about reducing ticket volume or simplifying tasks, nor is it an attempt to dismiss customer inquiries, as some might suggest. Automation is indispensable because it frees your customer support representatives to allocate their time to assist customers whose issues transcend the capabilities of a macro or automated response.

One might argue, "Why not prioritize the important tickets first?" However, doing so would lead to the same dilemma: the simple tickets that should have taken 3 minutes are now waiting hours for a solution.

Customers are unlikely to be upset if they don't engage in a formal conversation with a representative when all they need is an article recommendation. Yet, they will certainly be frustrated if their urgent issue goes unaddressed for hours, simply because simpler, quicker tickets took precedence.

Want to learn more about automations?

Gorgias’ automation abilities have really transformed my CX teams and it’s an honor to be an ambassador. If you’re interested in trying the tech, you can get a free trial here. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions as well! As always, Audien Hearing work comes first (my full-time job) but I’m happy to hop on calls outside of my work hours to answer any Q’s about Gorgias.


The gals are back and we brought on one of our fave Inevitable Agency girls (spoiler alert they’re all our faves). This week Zoe and Jackie are joined by Molly, better know as Jackie’s baby sister. It’s a family affair!! We talk all things dropping out of college, experience vs. education, loyalty programs, good marketing, Jeff and his rocks (iykyk) and much much more! Check it out on Spotify, Youtube, and Apple Podcasts.

🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!

 🧑‍💻 CX Job Board 👩‍💻

We’re adding a job board to the newsie! If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week.