Customer Surveying

Essential steps for your company's growth!

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

Happy April, everyone! Im still hardcore in my homeowner era, building sh*t and unpacking boxes. #whoneedsaman #imtired

Professional Zoe has also still been busier than ever and I hope you were able to join me and 700 of my friends virtually yesterday for DTCx7! You can still catch some amazing speakers today. 😉 That reminds me, if you haven’t already joined the CX Friends Discord, what are you even doing!?

And ICYMI, check out the gorgias Women in CX panel – it was all about empowerment and success in the world of Customer Experience. Catch you all next week for more fun updates! ✌️

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Here's a roundup of the top April Fools’ campaigns that caught my eye. It's always refreshing to see brands flex their creative muscles and demonstrate their savvy in the digital realm. It's not all about pushing sales – introducing some fun into the mix is key! Of course, it's crucial to tread carefully and ensure the humor lands without crossing any boundaries. Here’s a few of my faves 👇

Amtrak: Emotional baggage car ticket for one please! 🚂

Rosetta Stoned: A dank collab with Rosetta Stone and cannabis company FLUENT for a stoner translator app - I love this!!

Olipop: Our healthy soda alternative friends killed It with their Olipop x Pringles “Sour Cream and Onion” collab! Lowkey want to try It?

7eleven: Hot dog flavored sparkling water? This one makes me uncomfy… so it’s a success I guess!

Did I overlook any gems? Let me know!

Customer Surveying

Gather round for this week's CX scoop – we're talking the importance of customer surveying. Seriously, this stuff is essential for your company's growth.

First off, keep it concise – nobody's got time for lengthy questionnaires. Make sure you’re only asking the most important questions. Who's got time for a hundred questions, right? Throw in some sweet incentives – a discount code here and there can work wonders, especially for your loyal customers. And don't sleep on segmentation, many Shopify apps will let you send surveys out based on a variety of customer factors like number of orders, regional factors, or even the products purchased.

Now, when it comes to pre-purchase surveys, less is more. Stick to one or two questions tops, like where they heard about you or who they're shopping for. You want valuable insights without overwhelming potential customers. You want juicy info without scaring them off and adding friction. I’ve seen this done well at email/SMS collection with just one question. Keep it smooth, keep it relevant.

Post-purchase is where the real magic happens. Hit 'em up at the checkout for some feedback on their customer journey. CSAT scores, NPS queries – the whole shebang.

Those post-purchase surveys are total game-changers in the world of e-commerce. Picture this: your customer just snagged that sweet deal from your online store. Now, how do you know if they're doing a happy dance or plotting a return? Enter CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) and NPS (Net Promoter Score) – your trusty guides to the customer experience. CSAT gives you the scoop on how satisfied they are with their customer support interactions, while NPS clues you in on whether they're likely to recommend you to a friend. These surveys aren't just for show – they're your ticket to fine-tuning your game and making sure every shopper feels like a VIP. So, don't skip out on those post-purchase surveys – they're your secret to turning one-time buyers into lifelong fans. 🚀

Now, let's talk strategy for handling survey results. Low scores? They're not setbacks; they're opportunities. Reach out to address any issues and potentially win back dissatisfied customers. And for the high scorers, show appreciation and offer incentives like referral programs to turn them into brand champions.

But hey, don't forget the most crucial part – analysis, baby! Dive into those reports monthly, compare 'em over time, and watch your business soar. And that's a wrap, folks. Until next time, keep those surveys flowing and those insights glowing! 🚀



🧑‍💻 CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

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🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!