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How a CX Crisis Turned Into a Lesson

Proactive CX > Reactive CX

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

Happy Thursday from LA! That’s right, I can’t stay away from Cali for long. 🤩 Jackie the VA and I are on the road with the Cyber Truck and headed back to Phoenix soon but we made a stop in LA for Gorgias CX Connect! You know I love an IRL event but an IRL event with Gorgias? Top 5 of my favorite things.

Speaking of Cybertrucky she has some exciting things coming up! Did someone say TV show? Stay tuned👀

One final update for this week, my chat with Malomo just went live! Check It out for all things customer comms. 👇👇👇

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Personally, when I’m online shopping (which is already dangerous for my bank account, but that’s my own problem), I don’t want to worry about the safety of my credit card. Anti-fraud tools improve the customer experience! 🤝

According to a PYMNTS Intelligence and Nuvei survey of e-commerce leaders, 4 in 5 respondents said that customer satisfaction was the biggest benefit of updating their anti-fraud toolkit. 

This helps to maintain trust, and a consumer is far more likely to shop somewhere they trust. No one wants their bank account hacked! Another way to promote secure checkout is by encouraging the use of digital wallets. This ensures card details are not shared with the merchant, and the customer feels safer. 

Customers want to feel like they can trust the brands they’re buying from. If a checkout process feels sketchy, they’re going to be less satisfied with the purchasing journey overall. Creating trust in turn breeds brand loyalty, and that is certainly something to strive for. Just like in a relationship, trust and loyalty will alway yield a higher return! 💯

How a CX Crisis turned into a Lesson

Gone are the days of just responding to customer inquiries and waiting for those dreaded, angry emails to flood your inbox. For the best customer experience, it’s time to proactively take charge, stay on top of your orders, and be on the lookout for trends before they become full-blown issues.

🚨 Quick story time alert! 🚨

Recently, one of our clients faced a nightmare scenario when their carrier stopped updating tracking information. This caused a tidal wave of panicked customers and a huge influx of support tickets. But fear not! Our team spotted the trend and entered crisis mode.

We started by trying to get to the bottom of the issue. Was it orders from a certain fulfillment date? Orders to a specific region? We zeroed in to find the orders that were stalled and why using Shopify filters and the knowledge we had from the tickets in the inbox.

Our next step was to craft a mass email to all affected customers and sweetened the deal with a discount code (shout out to Klaviyo’s unique discount code generator) to ease their worries. We wanted to be as transparent as possible to ensure that customers felt heard. Even though It was no fault of the brand, we didn’t want to point fingers and further any negative sentiment. The email was also a way to promise that we have received their inquiries and the team was working hard to get back to them.

We created macros for every possible scenario: whether the customer was fuming mad, a first-time buyer let down by their experience, or a loyal customer who appreciated the proactive update. The agents were ready for anything! Many customers were grateful for our proactive outreach and the understanding replies nearly brought tears to our team that were working so diligently to make sure all customers were taken care of.

So, what did we learn from this whirlwind of events? While it certainly caused some stress for both our team and the customers, it was also a tremendous growth experience. The team had a post crisis debrief to vent, talk through the issues and how we can better prepare in the future. We now have a solid plan and SOPs in place to navigate similar situations that will inevitably pop up in the future. Our agents are now armed with a clear strategy to escalate recognized issues promptly and efficiently.

There's so much more to discuss about proactive CX, so stay tuned for part 2! It's going to be epic!

Proactive CX > Reactive CX 💯😮‍💨

CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

  • Peachybbies is looking for a Director of CX! Interested? Fill out this form.

  • Koala is looking for an experience CX manager to join their US team! If you are interested, please reach out to us at [email protected] for more info

📆 Upcoming Events 📆

Stay tuned! 🤭

🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!