CX Impacts that can't be measured

Unmeasurable experiences that define your brand

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

Happy gorgias AI launch week! 🥳 How is everyone feeling about it?

Also, don’t mind me, just reflecting on my CX journey and feeling emo! Still can’t get over all the fun from CX Connect and getting the chance to meet so many new faces.

Also, I dropped a new cybertruck vlog and drum roll… only $105k left to go! Time flies when your car is on a TV show. 🤭

We have a great digital experience story for you as well as my thoughts on CX impacts that can’t always be measured! I know what you’re thinking but just hear me out on this one.


📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Point-based reward systems are a great way to increase customer loyalty, especially when there are fun ways to acquire points. As a customer, it’s the ultimate form of girl math. Who cares if I spent $300 for a $5 reward? It’s free money! 💁‍♀️

That’s why Starbucks, known for its beloved loyalty stars, is teaming up with Marriott Bonvoy and allowing members to link their rewards. For example, you can earn extra stars if you make a purchase while staying at a participating Marriott Bonvoy hotel. A reason to go for a coffee run while on vacation?? Say less. 

Starbucks hopes this will drive more transactions, as the coffee chain took a hit in the last fiscal quarter. 

Ultimately, this is a great way to drive sales for both corporations. This alliance can help to boost Starbucks’ sales, while also creating a fun new way for customers to earn stars. Talk about a win - win situation! ⭐

CX Impacts that can’t be measured

Let me hold your hand while I say this... not every aspect of CX can be measured. Crazy I know!!!

Let’s talk about those CX impacts on your business that you can’t always measure. Sometimes it feels like our hands are tied because we have to justify every move or change with data. While data is crucial for driving decisions, some aspects of our CX team’s impact can’t be exactly measured.

Think about it—there’s a whole world of customer experiences that slip through the cracks of our analytics tools. These experiences are the little moments that make customers smile, the reasons they tell their friends about us, and the gut feelings that make them choose us over the competition. Here are a few key areas where the magic happens beyond the numbers:

  • 😁 Emotional Impact: The feelings and emotions a customer experiences during interactions, such as feeling valued, respected, or frustrated, can significantly influence their loyalty and advocacy. It’s like the difference between a warm hug and a cold shoulder—one keeps them coming back, the other sends them running.

  • 💭 Brand Perception: The overall impression and image of a brand formed by customers through various touchpoints. This perception is influenced by marketing, word-of-mouth, and personal experiences. It’s the story they tell themselves about us, shaped by every ad they see, every friend’s recommendation, and every interaction they have.

  • 🤝 Trust and Credibility: The level of trust and confidence customers have in a company’s products, services, and promises. Building trust takes time and consistency, and its impact is often felt long-term. It’s the silent promise that we’ll do right by them, and when we keep that promise, they stick around.

  • 😰 Customer Effort: The perceived ease or difficulty customers experience when interacting with a company. While some aspects can be measured, the overall perception of effort is subjective and varies between individuals. It’s about making things so easy that they barely have to think, like a smooth ride on a well-oiled machine.

  • 💻 Consistency Across Channels: The seamless experience customers have across different channels (e.g., in-store, online, mobile). Consistency can enhance trust and satisfaction but is challenging to measure comprehensively. It’s like a perfectly choreographed dance—every step in sync, no matter where they are.

  • 🙌 Personal Connection: The individual rapport and connection customers feel with a brand or its representatives. This connection can drive repeat business and loyalty but is deeply personal and variable. It’s the friendly barista who remembers their order, the customer service rep who genuinely cares—it’s the human touch.

Sure, we can measure the number of customers who return after interacting with customer support or evaluate agent CSAT scores. However, there’s no way to know how many people your customer told about their less-than-desirable CX experience, leading those people never to purchase from your brand. Every intangible and fleeting customer interaction affects business outcomes. Embrace the unmeasurable and recognize that some of the most impactful elements of CX can’t be captured by data alone.

So, let’s celebrate the moments that matter— the stories, the connections. Because in the end, it’s these unmeasurable experiences that truly define our brand and keep customers coming back for more.

New Episode ft. Scotty Scheller talking all things UGC and content creation is out now!

CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

📆 Upcoming Events 📆

Stay tuned! 🤭

🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!