How I Decreased Returns by 5%

Where to start if you'd like to reduce yours too!

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

This week I had a VERY special guest join me on the podcast… Inevitable Agency’s very own Britt!! This episode was so fun and we laughed a lot. Britt is truly such a bad*ss mom full-time mom and full-time CX superstar!! 💯

Check out a little sneak peak! 👇👇👇

It’s almost here, Gorgias CX Connect is NEXT week!! Join me (and maybe a special appearance from your fav VA - iykyk) and the whole CX gang at Hudson Loft in Downtown LA on June 19th.

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Online shopping is great, but sometimes you have a few too many questions to be able to buy things without a little help. How am I supposed to know which TV is best? 📺

That’s why Walmart is launching a new AI shopping assistant within their mobile app. The assistant will pop up in certain sections of the app, such as home decor and electronics, to answer all your burning questions. 

The AI assistant is still in its beta phase, but they hope to fully roll it out soon. Walmart wants to ensure that the technology is properly trained, as poorly trained AI can give customers bad suggestions. 

In a world where AI is starting to become all the rage, it’s important to find out how you can make it work for you. It can make your agents’ lives easier and your customers’ lives better. It’s a win-win! 🏆

How I decreased Returns by 5%

If you follow me on X (why wouldn’t you be??), you know I recently dropped my CX tips that helped decrease our returns by 5% in just 3 months!! It's been a game-changer, and guess what? You can totally do it too!

Here’s where to start if you’d like to reduce yours too 👀

  1. Ensure your CX team understands the TRUE vision of your company: Make sure your CX team gets the TRUE vision of your company. Ask them what they think the vision is. If they hesitate, you've got some work to do! Your vision should be their mantra. This means regular training sessions, team meetings, and maybe even a fun vision board in the office. When your team lives and breathes the company vision, they can better communicate it to your customers, ensuring every interaction aligns with your brand’s goals and values.

  2. Ensure your agents understand your products back, forth, left, and right: Your agents should know your products better than you do. Seriously. They should be ready to answer any question that comes their way. Regular product training, hands-on experiences, and shadowing product developers can help your team become true experts. When they can confidently and accurately discuss every detail, customers trust their recommendations and advice, reducing the likelihood of returns.

  3. Understand the true volume and workload of your team and get to a 100% answer rate and under a 24-hour response time: Know the volume and workload your team handles. Aim for a 100% answer rate and under 24-hour response time. Yes, it’s a tall order, but it's totally doable and makes a world of difference. Use analytics tools to track performance, identify bottlenecks, and streamline processes. A responsive and efficient support team not only resolves issues quickly but also builds customer loyalty, making returns less likely.

  4. ORGANIZE, AUTOMATE, PRIORITIZE, COLLECT DATA: If these words make your head spin, hire a contractor to set up systems and show you the ropes. This step alone can boost customer happiness and pinpoint exactly where returns are coming from and why. Utilize CRM systems, automated response tools, and data analytics to keep everything running smoothly. Collecting data helps you understand patterns and make informed decisions to improve the customer experience continuously.

  5. Reevaluate the expectations you have for your support team: Give your support team the breathing room they need. If they're rushing through tickets, it’s time to step in. Either lend a hand yourself or bring in more people. Walk in their shoes for a day—it’ll be an eye-opener! Understand the pressures they face and ensure they have the time to provide thoughtful, thorough service. Happy, unstressed agents are more effective, leading to happier customers and fewer returns.

  6. Fix issues rather than use band-aids: Address issues at the root. If a problem keeps popping up and it’s not inevitable, fix it for good. If it is inevitable, find the most efficient way to handle it. This might mean collaborating with other departments to improve product quality or enhancing your FAQ and support resources. Long-term solutions not only reduce returns but also improve overall customer satisfaction and trust in your brand.

By following these steps, you'll be on your way to happier customers and fewer returns. Plus, your CX team will feel like superheroes. Everybody wins! 🤩

CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

  • Peachybbies is looking for a Director of CX! Interested? Fill out this form.

  • Koala is looking for an experience CX manager to join their US team! If you are interested, please reach out to us at [email protected] for more info

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🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!