End of Month Reporting

It's about more than just data crunching

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

Happy May! 🌸☀️🌺

This month is off to a busy start with TWO exciting CX events. Today I’m in San Diego (can’t stay away for long!) for DTCx Talks with gorgias!

Next I’m jetting off to NYC for our CX Friends Meet Up and I cannot wait to see this community we’ve built in person. 🥹 Some of the Inevitable Agency girls are joining so get ready for all the incoming content on our socials. Be sure to follow us on Instagram to keep up with all the fun stuff. 💃

I'm still looking for an executive assistant (who will get to work with the wonderful, amazing, fantastic, one and only Jackie!) to help me with all things from shooting content to scheduling etc. If you know of anyone in the PHX area, tell them to send me an email [email protected]!!


📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

You may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but YOU can teach an old dog to be a little faster at its pre-existing tricks. This is exactly what Chipotle is focussing on – getting faster at completing orders, that is. Unfortunately Chipotle is not hiring dogs. 

Everyone has their go-to Chipotle order (and firmly believes that theirs is better than all others), but Chipotle has one non-negotiable ingredient – a positive customer experience. Instead of putting their efforts into developing fancier technology, they have placed an emphasis on order fulfillment time. Chipotle recently reached its fastest order fulfillment speed in four years. 

The beloved restaurant chain realized it could create a far better customer experience by working from the inside out and creating a better employee experience. They improved their training and scheduling processes to make things easier on their end, thus enabling their employees to work more efficiently and increase fulfillment speed. 

While they’re still putting some effort into technological advances - such as updates to their app and the development of an automated avocado scooper - they’ve stepped back to focus on the basics. 🥑 Sometimes your customers don’t want something fancy, they just want a burrito in their hand a little bit sooner! 🌯

End of Month Reporting

It’s the start of a new month so let’s chat end-of-month reports. It's time to shine a spotlight on the metrics that drive our customer support engine. Your team should be meeting more than monthly (we prefer once a week!) but the end of the month meeting is a great time to look back at what did and didn’t work!

Our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) form the backbone of our assessment and these are the ones that the agency focuses on!

  • CSAT Score

  • CSAT Response Rate

  • First Response Time

  • Resolution Time

  • Ticket Count

  • Automation Rate

  • Agent Workload

  • Ticket handle

These metrics offer a comprehensive view of your team's performance and areas for improvement. However, we're not just crunching numbers; we're also uncovering customer trends. Which channels are they flocking to? What's got them buzzing, and where are we hitting some bumps? It's like being detectives in the world of customer service. Compare monthly data to see what improved, what stayed the same, and what can be improved.

We recommend looking into the channels through which your customers communicate, the top reasons for their contacts, instances necessitating refunds, and the most common resolutions. This holistic approach ensures that we not only address immediate concerns but also detect underlying trends and patterns in customer behavior.

For those leveraging gorgias, the treasure trove of data is readily accessible through custom ticket fields, if your team is using them! This enables you to extract insights and your strategies accordingly, maximizing the platform's capabilities to drive efficiency and effectiveness in our support processes.

Amidst the data crunching, it's also essential to nurture team morale and camaraderie in CS meetings. Share wins and acknowledge agent’s hard work. Something that the agency likes to do to foster a supportive culture is setting monthly themes like “reminder free zone” or “who can create the most SOPs.” Some CX specific themes could be “product knowledge expert” or “focus on response personalization.” Have each agent share ways they implemented the theme in the end of month meeting and maybe even have a little friendly competition!

As you analyze your monthly performance, it's not just about dissecting numbers; it's about checking in on the health of your CS team. By comparing metrics month-to-month, we gauge the trajectory of our performance, striving for continuous improvement and excellence. Ultimately, these reports serve as a powerful tool for communicating the status and achievements of your customer support team to company stakeholders, highlighting your commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences.


🧑‍💻 CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

📆 Upcoming Events 📆

Have you join the CX discord server yet? What are you waiting for! We may have some fun events in the works 👀

🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!