Is honesty the best CX policy?

Don't lie to your customers...

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

I’ve found myself telling my life story a lot recently so for this week’s Let’s Laugh About It I dove into the whole thing from being kicked out at 18 to where I am today. I am so grateful for all the opportunities that have brought me to this point and so excited for you to listen to (or watch!) this week’s epsiode!

My IA team is so cute for this post. 🥹🥹🥹

In the spirit of transparency, I used to be intimidated at the thought of AI. It’s kind of scary!! But Gorgias’ AI agent has been live for 2 weeks and it’s been so fun learning more about how to leverage the tech to handle our tier 1 tickets and free up agent time for more complex customer issues without sacrificing the best CX. 🤩


📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Generative AI is just starting to hit its stride, and you’re probably already sick of hearing about it. I get it. While it is a super helpful tool that should be utilized, it’s important to take a step back and look at the implications of it all around. 

Because generative AI can be utilized to answer so many questions, support teams are likely to shrink. Instead of having more agents, call centers will now be comprised of fewer people – but these people will have to have a deeper understanding of the brand and how to display empathy toward a customer. 

Generative AI can take over all the easy questions. However, if your agents are the people on the team to make sure your customers still get that human touch, they have to be well trained and know exactly when and how to step in. There’s going to be less of them, so their knowledge is all the more valuable. 

“You need to educate folks on what it means to be the human in that loop and how best to work alongside AI,” says Christina McAllister, Senior Analyst at Forrester. 

You need trustworthy agents who can monitor this new super tool. While there may be less of them, their input is all the more valuable! 💯

Honesty: The Best Policy for Exceptional CX

How honest should you be with your customers? Well, in the world of customer service, honesty is not just the best policy—it's the golden rule. When it comes to building trust, loyalty, and satisfaction, transparency is your secret weapon. Customers value honesty and transparency more than you might realize. They appreciate knowing what’s going on, even if it’s not always good news. Issues are inevitable (😉), but how you handle them can turn a potentially negative situation into a positive interaction.

When problems arise, don’t just be honest—take ownership. Pointing fingers at carriers, warehouses, or other third parties doesn't solve the problem for the customer. They care about resolution, not excuses. It's essential for your agents to embody honesty in their interactions. After all, agents are people too, and genuine, empathetic communication can make a world of difference. 🫶

Tips for Maintaining Honesty in Customer Service

Here are some tips to keep your honesty game strong 💯:

  • Be transparent: Clearly communicate when issues arise and be honest about capabilities and any limitations.

  • Be responsive: Address customer inquiries and concerns promptly, and listen to their feedback.

  • Be clear: Explain what went wrong in plain language, avoiding technical jargon.

  • Be proactive: Come prepared with solutions or at least a plan to find them together.

  • Be authentic: Share openly and genuinely in all interactions.

  • Be helpful: If your product isn’t the best fit, let the customer know and avoid an eventual refund down the line due to an unsatisfied customer.

The Long-Term Benefits of Honesty

Honesty in customer service pays off in the long run. It builds a strong foundation of trust, which leads to:

  • Customer loyalty: Honest interactions foster long-term relationships, turning customers into repeat buyers and brand advocates.

  • Positive word-of-mouth: Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your business to others, expanding your reach.

  • Reduced churn: When customers trust you, they're less likely to switch to competitors, even if problems arise.

  • Increased satisfaction: Transparency and honesty make customers feel respected and valued, enhancing their overall experience.

Remember, honesty truly is the best policy! When your customers know they can trust you, they'll keep coming back. So, let's keep it real and keep our customers happy! 💯😚

CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

📆Upcoming Events 📆

Stay tuned! 🤭

🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!