Post Purchase Communication

Engaging with your customers from purchase to delivery

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

🚨 Big life update incoming! 🚨 Zali and I are Arizona girlies once again! It's been a wild ride over the last few years, but seeing all the hard work pay off feels pretty damn good. I’ve loved my time in San Diego but I’m so looking forward to this new chapter. And hey, for all you podcast fans out there, fear not! Jackie and I are still going strong with Let’s Laugh About It, so get ready for more laughs coming your way. And, believe it or not, I'm actually so excited about spending more time in the office. Yeah, call me crazy, but I’m looking forward to It! 🤪

Oh, and did I mention? I also treated myself to a Tesla Cybertruck - 4 years ago but I finally picked her up. Hit us up if you’re looking for content, wrapping (cyber truck billboard 😂), etc. Buckle up, because I'm beyond excited for what the future holds. Here's to new adventures, desert sunsets, and the joy of cruising in my Cybertruck. 🌵🚀

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Welcome to the wild world of subscriptions, where you can literally subscribe to anything under the sun! 🌞 Yes, you heard it right, there's even a subscription service for printers now! 🖨️ With the printer industry seeing a decline in ownership and sales and an increase in sustainability concerns and product issues, HP has stepped in with what they hope is a game-changing offer. For just $6.99, you can have a printer delivered to your doorstep, fully equipped with ink and ready to churn out 20 pages of… whatever you need a printer for? Need to print more pages? No worries, you can have 700 pages for $35.99. A whopping 90% of pilot users are sticking with their subscription printers – now that's loyalty! 🌟 I'll definitely be keeping my eye on how people respond to this service! 👀

Post Purchase Communication

In e-commerce, the journey doesn't end at checkout; it's merely the first step in a dynamic relationship with your customers. Post-purchase communication is the thread that weaves together a seamless and satisfying experience for buyers, enhancing their journey from the moment they click 'Confirm Order' to the eagerly awaited delivery and beyond. 💫

Consider the myriad touchpoints your customers encounter: your website, the checkout process, the post-purchase phase, unboxing, product usage, and beyond. Each presents an opportunity to connect and engage with your audience, building trust and loyalty along the way.

Keeping customers informed about their orders is paramount. Whether through email updates or the immediacy of SMS, providing timely information not only reduces all the “where’s my order?” inquiries but also fosters excitement and anticipation for the arrival of their purchase.

Proactive communication can address potential issues before they arise. For products with setup complexities, comprehensive instructions or supplementary resources can mitigate confusion and ensure a smooth user experience. Similarly, for food products, offering recipes, cooking tips, and storage advice enhances the customer's enjoyment and satisfaction that hinges on the correct use of the products. 💯

Email flows and SMS automations are powerful allies in this endeavor, allowing you to maintain consistent and personalized communication without placing undue strain on your team. Tailoring messages to your audience's preferences and needs demonstrates attentiveness and care, fostering stronger connections and brand affinity.

Post-purchase surveys are also invaluable tools for gathering feedback and insights, enabling you to refine your offerings and enhance the customer experience continually. By actively seeking feedback and addressing concerns promptly, you can transform neutral experiences into positive ones and cultivate a loyal customer base.

In summary, post-purchase communication is not merely a formality but a strategic imperative for e-commerce success. By engaging with customers at every stage of their journey, offering support and valuable resources, and leveraging feedback to drive improvement, you can create lasting relationships and differentiate your brand in a competitive marketplace.

Here's to crafting memorable experiences and delighting customers at every turn. Happy communicating!


Zoe and Jackie are both movin!! We had the busiest weeks ever so we decided to compile some of our most laughable moments from the pod! Get ready to laugh for 20 minutes 🤣 

🧑‍💻 CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

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🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!