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How to prepare your team for a big promo

Black Friday, Boxing Day, Memorial Day, Pi Day etc etc...

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

Back for another week of news and CX tips! I recently had a little side quest (strictly fun things!) back to Chicago visiting friends and family and my heart is full. ❤️ I’m home once again and ready for a long weekend. ☀️

Have you met my team yet? No? What are you waiting for! Check out the bada** ladies that run the show. I don’t know what I’d do without them!

Keep reading for all the good stuff!!

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

The “broke college kid” stereotype, as most of us have learned, is unfortunately a bit too real. Uber has realized just what a large portion of its users are college students and has begun to cater to the overworked and underpaid demographic. 

Uber recently rolled out Uber One for Students, offering a 50% discount to the usual membership fee just to students. As driven as they are, college students do not love to go out and get their own food (particularly at 2 a.m.). Now, for $4.99 a month, they can gain access to member-only discounts such as free delivery and special deals from college lifelines such as Taco Bell and Starbucks. 

Talk about knowing your audience! Not only does this offer benefit students, but helps to build brand loyalty from a young age, hopefully creating lifelong customers. If users enjoy the benefits of Uber One while in college, it is likely that they will continue their memberships even after graduation. 🎓

Now college students can fuel their late night study sessions (and other late night activities) from a fraction of the cost. Way to cater to your audience, Uber! 🚗

How to prepare your CS team for a big promotion

Last week I briefly touched on custom flows for those big holiday sales. With the upcoming holiday weekend, I wanted to expand on the topic of promotions and how to get your team prepped for your biggest sales of the year. Black Friday, Boxing Day, Memorial Day, National Dog day (okay maybe a stretch for most brands!), all those sales days that bring in a flood of eager shoppers. More orders turns into more tickets and customer inquiries so it’s crucial to prep your customer support team with all the important details!

The first step in your prep is to make sure you’ve shared all the sale details with your team. Provide them with the dates of the sale, the discount code, and anything they will need to know to help out the customers! Make sure your marketing and CS teams have connected on their plans and timelines for marketing announcements. Agents need to know what that SMS is going to say so they aren’t left fixing mistakes that could have just used a look over from CS. I’ve been surprised with an unannounced sale more than once and let’s just say… It causes the whole customer experience to be messy. ☹️

Start by setting up macros that cover all the sale essentials: dates, discounts, product exclusions, final sale items, and so on. The more detailed, the better! Focus on sale-specific custom chat flows to allow customers to get their answers to their most anticipated questions on their own, reducing the ticket load on your agents. Customers will want to know the nitty-gritty: How long is the sale? What are the exact details? Can they still get a discount on an order from six and a half months ago? (Cue the eye roll.) Having these answers ready will make your life—and your team's—a whole lot easier. 🙏

If you’re expecting a ton of questions, set up a dedicated FAQ section just for the sale. This can help answer common queries quickly and enhance the customer experience by reducing friction.

Lastly, sales will drive massive traffic to your site, so you'll need to adjust your agents' schedules to handle the influx. It’s crucial to have enough coverage so customers aren’t left hanging. Lots of these sales happen over the weekend, so make sure your team’s schedule is adjusted for full coverage and that every customer feels heard and valued. Not having agents online could lead to lost sales. No one wants that! 💲💲💲

Do you have examples of a time you really nailed the customer experience during a big sale? Hit reply and share your stories! 👇👇👇


CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

  • Koala is looking for an experience CX manager to join their US team! If you are interested, please reach out to us at [email protected] for more info

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