When it’s a slow ticket day…

Invest in your agents!

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

Remember when I said I was excited to get back into an office? (some of you are groaning I know It!) Well my home renovations have finally slowed down enough for me to get back to my in-person grind! I appreciate the flexibility I have, I strongly believe In it, but there’s just something about going into the Audien office that I love!

Also, I'm looking for an executive assistant (who will get to work with the wonderful, amazing, fantastic, one and only Jackie!) to help me with all things from cybertruck to scheduling to content shooting. If you know of anyone in the PHX area, tell them to send me an email [email protected]!!

That’s all from me! Let’s get to the good stuff 🫡🫡🫡

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

A kiwi a day keeps the doctor away! I think that’s the saying? 🥝

Zespri, the world’s largest marketer of kiwifruit according to Google, recently launched a campaign to remind Singaporean consumers to eat their kiwi everyday. I love this because the brand is meeting their customers where they’re at using consumer data! This came from a survey stating that 50% of Singaporeans do not eat fruit daily and simply forgetting was the top reason. So why not make packaging to remind your customers to eat kiwi everyday?

Is this packaging practical? Maybe not. However I can appreciate when a brand tries something new based on consumer insights. Maybe the kiwi pillbox isn’t a longterm solution, but It sure makes me think about eating fruit more! 🥝🍑🍓🍌

When it’s a slow ticket day…

Ever find yourself wondering what to do with your agents during those slow ticket days? You know, those times when you're just waiting around for the next customer query to roll in? Instead of letting that downtime go to waste, why not invest in your agents? Let them tackle a new customer experience project and make them feel empowered. Trust me, they’ll appreciate the chance to step up and contribute to something meaningful.

Is your FAQ page starting to look a bit outdated, untouched for the past five years? Give your agents a shot at updating it! After all, they’re the ones engaging with customers daily and can provide valuable insights into what needs to be refreshed. Not only will this help keep your FAQs current, but it'll also boost your agents' confidence and make them feel more involved in the team.

Speaking of empowerment, why not offer your agents certifications and training opportunities? Whether you have a helpdesk academy or utilize platforms like LinkedIn Learning, there are plenty of ways to help them grow professionally. For instance, gorgias offers a Shopify agent certification. By investing in their development, you not only enhance their skills but also foster a stronger sense of team unity, which can be a game-changer in combating feelings of isolation.

Here’s just a few CX related LinkedIn learning courses:

Don’t forget to keep your agents in the loop on the latest CX tech updates and industry trends. Shopify apps are constantly rolling out new features, and it's easy for these updates to get lost amid the daily grind. Consider appointing an agent to provide monthly tech updates and brainstorm creative ways to implement these new tools. You’re already paying for the tech, so you better make sure you’re getting all that you can out of It!

Also, designate another agent for product training, especially if your company frequently releases new products. And hey, why not have them do some competitor research too? Assign them to explore similar companies' customer service approaches and bring back fresh ideas to elevate your own game. Encourage them to sign up for newsletters (like this one! wink wink) and join CX-focused Discord servers to stay ahead of the curve.

Remember, happy agents lead to a happier work environment and, ultimately, a happier life! 🤩💯🥳


🧑‍💻 CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

📆 Upcoming Events 📆

Are you ready to take your DTC eCommerce brand to the next level? Join Zoe May 2nd in San Diego for a gorgias and Inevitable Agency sponsored event. 💯

Have you join the CX discord server yet? What are you waiting for! We may have some fun events in the works 👀

🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!