How to be a Strong CX Leader 💪

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

Is Mercury in Gatorade? Because this week has been something!

Amidst all the chaos I got some special twitter shoutouts from our friends at Chargeflow and the legend himself Sean of Ridge wallet. It made me realize I need to stay more plugged into Twitter (uhhh I mean X?).

Follow my CX discussions and Animoprhs memes. 👇

The countdown is on! Gorgias CX Connect is only 2 weeks away!! Join me (and maybe a special appearance from your fav VA - iykyk) and the whole CX gang at Hudson Loft in Downtown LA on June 19th.

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Booking a flight is stressful. Everyone wants to find the best deal – preferably one without a 19- hour layover in a dingy airport. It’s easiest to book a flight when you can easily assess all your options, which is why Southwest is finally allowing Google Flights to display its fares. 

The airline had previously hidden their fares on Google Flights, prompting customers to actually visit their site in order to view the price. However, they realized this isn’t the experience customers desire, so they are now enhancing the visibility of their flights by displaying fares on different booking sites like Google Flights. 

They hope that this makes customers more likely to consider Southwest for their trips, as it has now become a more convenient option. While they may lose a cut to travel agents, their hope is that the increased visibility will get more people to book with them. 

Southwest has always been an airline to do things a bit different (like the battle that is lining up to get your seat and hope you don’t get stuck in the middle), but they’re also open to listening to their customers to give them a more pleasant booking experience. ✈️

How to be a Strong CX Leader

This week, we're getting into what it means to be a strong CX leader. I've been in the customer support game for years now, and let me tell you, it's really shaped my idea of what makes a great CX leader. I've had the pleasure of working under a variety of leaders, all of whom have contributed to my vision of a strong CX leader.

I aim to be more than just a good leader; I want to be a passionate and empathetic one too. Sure, I've said it before, but it bears repeating: customer support often gets a bad rap as the "unsexy" part of a company. But honestly, it's the backbone of the whole operation! A true CX leader needs to be both understanding and fiercely supportive of their team.

Mentorship is key. Be available for your team, whether that means having an open-door policy or being just a Slack message away. Encourage your agents to ask questions about CX, the company, or anything else that's on their mind.

Stay engaged and always be improving. Go to industry events, listen to podcasts (I know a fantastic one, by the way! 😉), and watch webinars. Encourage your team to do the same. It's all about continuous learning and growth.

Networking is another biggie. CX is ever-evolving with AI, personalization, and other tech advancements. Our CX community is expanding, so don't hesitate to ask your peers for advice. Chances are, they've faced the same challenges you're encountering and can offer advice.

Help your team see a future in CX. It can be tough to envision a long-term career in customer support, especially when starting out as an agent. Make sure your team knows they can grow within the company and tackle new challenges.

Communication is crucial. Be the bridge between your team and other departments. Understand the ins and outs of the company—from manufacturing to warehouse processes—so you're ready for any customer inquiry.

Think like a marketer. CX is marketing! Put on your creative hat and view customer support as a revenue generator, not just a reactive function. Analyze how customer support interactions can drive loyalty and increase LTV.

Every day, I strive to be the best leader I can for my team, and I hope they see that. Here's to leading with passion, empathy, and a dash (or more) of fun!


CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

  • Peachybbies is looking for a Director of CX! Interested? Fill out this form.

  • Koala is looking for an experience CX manager to join their US team! If you are interested, please reach out to us at [email protected] for more info

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Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!