How to Build a Brand Community

All the things you need to get started!

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🤠 Hey, Hey, Howdy! 🤠

This week for my updates, I’m on the brink of a mental breakdown. Kidding but also not! 😂 So many good stresses in my life, but it’s a lot to handle. Buying a house, moving states, still adjusting to a new and fast growing company, speaking at events, traveling, and personal life stressors (aka, about to be thirty and wondering why I don’t have kids running around me yet?!?!) It’s been hard to keep up.

I’m sharing this because I know it’s easy to talk about all the wins and successes but often times, behind that are battles that we are facing, sometimes silently. Don’t forget to close the laptop, take a walk, get yourself a treat and breathe!! 🍦😊

In CX news, gorgias has given the people want we want, more ticket fields!!! 🥳🥳🥳 Keep reading for more on brand community building and a new Let’s Laugh About It episode!

📷️ Digital Experience News 📷️

Nordstrom is all about ramping up their digital game in 2024. They're focusing on personalization and making the connection between in-store and online shopping smoother (thank goodness!). The plan includes launching a digital marketplace with new items from Nordstrom's brand partners, to offer shoppers a more tailored experience. Wow! They must have read our post about customers craving a more personalized shopping experience. 😉🛍️ Plus, they're working on speeding up delivery which would make any customer happy! Nordstrom's recent tech investments, especially in Nordstrom Rack, are laying the groundwork for these digital upgrades, with a focus on enhancing the premium shopping experience. They're focused on using data and technology to recommend brands that fit each shopper's taste and expanding RFID technology to improve delivery speed and accuracy. Overall, they're aiming for a seamless shopping experience, whether customers are browsing in-store or online. Guess that means I’ll have to do more shopping for the sake of CX research!! 🤑🤑🤑

Read more about Nordstrom’s digital experience updates here!

How to Build a Brand Community

Remember last week when we talked about why building a brand community is so important? Well, if you missed it, no worries, you can catch up here. Now, let's talk about how to actually build one. 

First off, you've gotta know who you're talking to. Identify your audience, learn what makes them tick, what ticks them off, and what gets them excited. This isn't just about selling stuff; it's about building a customer base that feels heard and understood. Once you've got that down, it's time to get picky with your platforms. Whether it's Facebook, Discord, forums, or private groups, you wanna be where your audience hangs out. Is your demographic 40-55 year olds? They’d probably LOVE a private Facebook group. Aiming to engage a younger group? Maybe Reddit is the way to go!

Now, onto the fun part - relationships. Yep, it's not just about throwing promotions in people's faces; it's about genuinely connecting. Be real, be authentic, and for the love of hashtags, respond to those comments and messages pronto. Keep the conversation flowing, and trust us, your community will love you for it.

Oh, and speaking of love, who doesn't love some value-driven content? Share stuff that educates, entertains, and makes your community's lives better. Be the go-to guru in your niche, and watch as your community grows stronger and more loyal!

But hey, it's not a one-way street; you gotta get your community involved too. Throw in some polls, challenges, or live sessions - anything to get them talking. And when they hit those milestones, celebrate like it's your birthday (well, maybe not that much, but you get the idea).

Now, let's talk rewards. Show your loyal crew some appreciation with exclusive perks, early access, or even a good ol' discount. It's like having your own little VIP section, and who doesn't appreciate feeling special? Pay attention to what your community's saying, and be ready to adapt. After all, they're the ones keeping the party going.

Don't forget to collaborate and co-create. Get your community involved in decisions, campaigns, and hey, maybe even product development. It's like building something together, and customers will feel valued that you included them in the process!

Last but not least, keep the vibes positive. Set some ground rules, make sure discussions stay respectful, and create a safe space where everyone feels free to be themselves.

So there you have it - the recipe for building a killer brand community. It's not just about selling stuff; it's about creating a space where your peeps feel valued, heard, and connected. Now go out there and build something awesome! 🚀


We’re back and this was a reaaaaaaaaal one. I’m having a hard time - while having a good time? I get super honest in this episode talking about how sometimes even if things are going well, it’s okay to be incredibly stressed about all of the moving parts (literally - because I’m moving). This was one of our favorite episodes so make sure you listen! 😃 

🧑‍💻 CX Job Board 👩‍💻

Here are some jobs in CX we found this week. If you or your company is hiring, let us know and we can add It next week!

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🚨Inevitable Agency CX Audits 🚨

Apparently we’re giving away TOO much information? We love to do it! It helps the company we’re working with but also gives our team valuable practice.

Don’t wait, book your free audit with the Inevitable Agency team!